Fire Safety Basics in Apartment Complexes
Apartment managers shoulder many responsibilities, from maintenance to tenant relations. However, among these vital duties, ensuring fire safety in apartment buildings should be a top priority.
Apartment Building Fires
According to the National Fire Protection Association, more than 100,000 apartment fires occur each year across the U.S., killing over 400 people, causing more than 4,000 injuries, and costing $1.2 million in property damage annually.
Some of the leading causes of apartment building fires include cooking equipment, heating equipment, electrical wiring, candles, arson, and playing with fire.
Ready to protect your tenants in Houston, TX? Unifour Fire & Safety is here to provide comprehensive fire protection for your apartment buildings.
Fire Protection Basics for Apartment Complex Owners & Managers
While there are plenty of steps apartment residents can take to protect themselves from fire, the most important thing you can do is provide them with a safe place to live. Here’s a look at your apartment fire safety responsibilities as a building owner or manager:
Install Fire Sprinklers in Every Unit
When it comes to reducing property damage and saving lives, nothing is more effective than fire sprinklers. They stand guard 24/7, ready to douse a blaze quickly and efficiently, activating one by one to significantly reduce water damage compared to a fire hose. Injuries are far less common in fully sprinklered buildings, and deaths are almost unheard of.
Install Building-Wide Fire Alarms
With the help of a fire protection company, you can install a networked, monitored fire alarm in every building of your apartment complex. Most components are out of sight but pull stations, strobe lights, and horns installed on the walls serve as reminders to tenants that they’ll be notified immediately if a fire starts anywhere in the building.
Put Fire Extinguishers on Every Floor
Multipurpose ABC models are the most appropriate fire extinguishers for apartment buildings. Install at least one on every level of each building, as well as in the basement and parking garage, if applicable. Keep the extinguishers visible and readily accessible in case of an emergency.
Make Sure Every Unit Has a Working Smoke Alarm & Carbon Monoxide Detector
Install at least one smoke alarm and carbon monoxide detector (or a combination unit) in each apartment unit. These must be located right outside the sleeping area to have the greatest effect.
Arrange for Inspections & Tests of All Fire Protection Equipment
Installing the necessary systems is the first step, but then you must remember to have your sprinklers and fire alarms tested, fire extinguishers inspected, and the batteries replaced in each smoke alarm and carbon monoxide detector. Keeping up with this maintenance ensures they will work properly if residents ever need them. Inspections and tests are also required for code compliance.
Schedule Fire Protection Services for Your Apartment Complex
Whether you need help installing fire protection equipment or having a routine test or inspection performed, count on Unifour Fire & Safety for all the services you need.
We always place the safety and satisfaction of our customers first, and with over 30 years of experience, you can trust that we know the ins and outs of the local and national fire codes that apply to your building.
To schedule fire protection services for your apartment complex, contact us today.